
Do you want to work transforming your relationships? Are you looking for a program that deep dives and removes blocks, helping you manifest your deepest desires?

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Featured Events

Transform Your Relationships

Sign up for this 2 part workshop to remove blocks and learn relatable tools that are your buddies and have your back when you need them the most!

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21 Day Gratitude Challenge

I would like to invite you on a journey of transformation and exploration, where we harness the power of gratitude to create our lives from gratitude!

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Ruchika Handa

Get Your Ease Back

In this short video, Ruchika walks you through how to use energy pulling to ask for and receive the energies of ease so that you can create a greater life.

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Points of View

Listen to this 60 minutes recording everyday for the next 30 days and watch your mind declutter from limiting points of views – your own and others, to finally start working for you!

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Here is What People are Saying

One of my clients was able to get rid of her past life traumas that were manifesting itself in her life due to some of her relatives’ death, filling her with fear and insecurity.


Another client was able to instantly connect with her own consciousness and use it in her daily living, freeing herself of anxiety and depression. Deep down she knew the medication would not cure her of depression and was seeking a way of life where she could use her superpowers. Today, she travels a lot and people go away feeling happy from meeting her. She is living her dream life.

Thank you again for the massive shift you brought about, I feel so much more my authentic self. Good to have myself back and shed those layers that no longer serve me. You are awesome, please keep on doing your thing, it helps so much With warmest wishes and air hugs, from a very much happier Bridget.

In 2020, my work and personal life came to a near standstill due to Covid and my own health issues. I went through deep inner healing work, shifted my mindset, and found alignment with my goals, myself and my business. Within 90 days, I went from zero sales to a successful live and online event in France, for one business and developed an online program for my coaching business. This ensured that I could work online from anywhere.