Ruchika Handa

Get Your Ease Back Energy Pull Exercise

This 9 minute video walks you through the Energy pull exercise. In this short video, I walk you through how to use energy shopping and the energy pull exercise to ask for and receive the energies of ease with your sensitivity so that you can create a greater life and all that you are asking for.

I suggest you play this often, listening aloud and tapping into all of the things on your energy shopping list. Use your unique awareness and ask to create a life and living like no one else.

What’s included:

  • Video download
  • Translation: English



My name is Ruchika and I go through the overwhelm, being a misfit, misunderstood as you do. With tools that I teach best of what we most need to learn.

  • I am a mom (read: having to deal with teen brats)
  • I am a Dreamer (read: hit with a million ideas a minute)
  • I am a Creation Monster (read: create 1001 things at the same time)

One of my superpowers is to facilitate people to unlock their inner magic and change in the blink of an eye. The next thing you know, those thriving relationships will come true.

I used to feel like the victim, misfit, people pleaser and taken for granted person, who needed alone time to recharge my batteries.Now, I enjoy being with people, and have turned around my relationships to joyful ones…

Here’s a little trick to get the ball rolling.

Ask yourself, “What’s the most fun I could have with my sensitivity, as it is now, before that thriving life of mine comes true?” Then do it. A lot.