Clearing Points of View about High Sensitivity
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Listen to this 60 minutes recording everyday for the next 30 days and watch your high sensitivity break away from limiting points of views – your own and others to work for you.

Are you fighting for or against your high sensitivity? Listen to the recording everyday for the next 30 days and watch the magic unfold.

How Your Points of View About Your High Sensitivity Show Up In Your Relationships And Life

# 1 – As HSPs you commit a lot to your friendships, to the point of feeling drained.

# 2 – You are often the more empathic person and get taken for granted in relationships for being the understanding one.

# 3 – You compare yourself with others and often feel inferior and insecure.

# 4 – You let other people’s opinions sway your views about yourself and your high sensitivity, even though you know yourself the best.

# 5 – You are left overwhelmed in social settings, unable to cope with your natural intuitive and empathic abilities.

# 6 – You are an excellent team member and a great match in professions like teaching because of your highly intuitive abilities but work conditions cater more for non HSP people and they are far more demanding for you.

# 7 – Frequent overwhelm and drain has you struggling with illnesses more than others.

How Points of View Against Your High Sensitivity Show Up In Your Life

# 1 – You have great friends, and they appreciate your sensitivity, yet you end up feeling overwhelmed while they are enjoying and light hearted.

# 2 – Your empathic abilities have you knowing more than what’s going on in your relationships, but you are not confident to talk about it, keeping quiet for fear of upsetting them.

# 3 – Your sensitivity gives you immense creative abilities, but you are freaking out, not knowing how to apply them.

# 4 – You often ignore or forsake social meetups because you can’t cope with an overstimulated mind.

# 5 – You need longer periods of downtime to calm down to get your sense of peace.

# 6 – Your work life is impacted by your high sensitivity and it is far tougher for you to meet deadlines and have the consistency required in workspaces.

# 7 – Frequent ill or poor health from frequent burnouts has you missing out and craving the carefree fun that you see others having.

What People Are Saying

One of my clients was able to get rid of her past life traumas that were manifesting itself in her life due to some of her relatives’ death, filling her with fear and insecurity.

Another client was able to instantly connect with her own consciousness and use it in her daily living, freeing herself of anxiety and depression. Deep down she knew the medication would not cure her of depression and was seeking a way of life where she could use her superpowers. Today, she travels a lot and people go away feeling happy from meeting her. She is living her dream life.

Another lady brought her 8 year old daughter with her, a highly energetic “suspected ADHD”child who was judged as being a misfit, while the little girl was amazingly gifted and happy. Her mother was saddened and stuck in trying to help her daughter, but mostly in a way of asking her daughter to change and fit in. After the session, they were both freed of this pattern, happily going through their days using the tools. Her daughter tells the lady, “Mom why don’t you forget everything and simply use the tools aunty gave!

In 2020, my work and personal life came to a near standstill due to Covid and my own health issues. I went through deep inner healing work, shifted my mindset, and found alignment with my goals, myself and my business. Within 90 days, I went from zero sales to a successful live and online event in France, for one business and developed an online program for my coaching business. This ensured that I could work online from anywhere.

About Your Speaker Ruchika Handa

ruchika handa

Ruchika is a Life Coach, Highly Sensitivity Transformation coach and an Energy Whisperer. Her signature workshop – The 30 Days Blueprint – Energetic Scaling to effortless Relationships and Health helps people create a quick change in their Relationships, Body, Healing, life.

She went from being a Highly Sensitive Person who was a victim to circumstances, overwhelmed, drained and frequently ill to being in charge of her life, energetic, enthusiastic and healthy. Her own transformation was a period spent in educating herself as well. And now she teaches, facilitates and empowers people, especially Highly Sensitive People to discover the superpower within them and to live joyfully and fulfill their deeper purposes.

Ruchika helps people change their reality to generate and create a life they desire and require. Her target is to generate a life that is joyful and expansive for everybody she touches.

She lives with her husband and 3 children in the Netherlands.